Enabling Victim Support Scotland (VSS) to capture data on victims, manage interactions, and measure outcomes of its efforts.


Enabling Victim Support Scotland (VSS) to capture data on victims, manage interactions, and measure outcomes of its efforts.




Victim Support Scotland is leading charity organisation dedicated to helping people affected by crime across Scotland. It provides support and information services to victims and witnesses of crime in Scotland.   

It supports 200,000 people affected by crime each year. This support is provided by staff and volunteers in national and local offices and court-based services across Scotland.  

VSS currently has a volunteer workforce of 700 and 150 members of staff and works with several referral organisations such as Police Scotland and the Scottish Courts to increase the availability of support services. 


  • Victim Support Scotland was reviewing its current systems and looking for guidance as to the technologies that are available to empower it to become more ‘victim-centric’
  • The volunteers collected data about victims’ situation in forms and documents. This was resulting in tedious and manual work since they again had to manually enter that data into their system.
  • The volunteers had no means to capture victim data or responses from the field and log that data straight into their CRM (Dynamics 365).
  • VSS was concerned with its volunteers spending much of their time around the CRM system, entering and managing data and schedules. This was minimising their efficiency as much of they could have been spending much of that time supporting victims.
  • Dogma Group proposed a solution in the form of Outcome App that would allow the workers to capture important victim details, calculate outcomes, and synchronise that data seamlessly with Dynamics 365.
  • Since the app is connected to Dynamics 365, the staff could schedule victim appointments, assign tasks to workers, and measure important insights from Dynamics 365 dashboard.


  • Outcome App enabled VSS to create victim-specific questionnaire to understand the change in their situation, lifestyle, and mental well-being.
  • The volunteers were able to capture victims’ responses without manual documentation. They no longer needed to enter data manually into the system, as the app did this for them.
  • They could capture crucial information on a victim’s behaviour, attitude, and overall well-being to provide necessary support. The company was able to measure improvements in victim’s lives and thus, the impact of its support.
  • Volunteers and workers could work on-the-go, meaning that with just a mobile app, they were able to see their appointments, follow-ups, and even past interactions with victims.
  • The staff could schedule appointments, assign victims to volunteers, and get a comprehensive view of their projects in Dynamics 365.
  • With Dynamics 365’s powerful reporting, VSS better understood and analysed the outcomes of its projects.
  • Donors and sponsors wanted a clear presentation of VSS’s impact. By showing results, the organisation was able to win more donors and sponsors.

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